Hello, my name is Wi chan, and I am a worker under the rule of the terrible Shi Huangdi. and I'm here today to talk about the creation of the Great Wall of China. Huangdi told me that since i was a peasant, I had two choices, either death or i must work gruelingly over this wall, and the building for it started in the year 221 B.C. This wall took us nearly 9 years to finish. I feel lucky I made it through, some of my good companions weren't as lucky as I. This wall was used for 2 major things, the first was protection from northern mongol invaders, and the second was to show as a sign of our great region as China, though the tough work hardly seemed worth it. It stretched for about 3,000 miles across northern china. Did you know that nearly 1/4 of peasants and criminals died while trying to build this wall? There is sure to be a revolt against this emperor... and soon.
Wi Chan
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