Sunday, October 17, 2010

Great Wall

Hello, my name is Wi chan, and I am a worker under the rule of the terrible Shi Huangdi.  and I'm here today to talk about the creation of the  Great Wall of China. Huangdi told me that since i was a peasant, I had two choices, either death or i must work gruelingly over this wall, and the building for it started in the year 221 B.C. This wall took us nearly 9 years to finish. I feel lucky I made it through, some of my good companions weren't as lucky as I. This wall was used for 2 major things, the first was protection from northern mongol invaders, and the second was to show as a sign of our great region as China, though the tough work hardly seemed worth it.  It stretched for about 3,000 miles across northern china.  Did you know that nearly 1/4 of peasants and criminals died while trying to build this wall? There is sure to be a revolt against this emperor... and soon.


Wi Chan

( In the years to come, many add on to the Great wall of China with more watch towers, gaurds, cannons, fixation of the wall (double walls added), and lengthening of the wall (3,000-6,000 ft!). One of the people that re-engineered the wall was the ruler of the Ming dynasty.)

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